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Your first chiropractic visit with Dr. Meggy involves an dive into your health history going through your intake form. After getting your health information and goals and determining there are no contraindications, Dr. Meggy begins your care. The approach is a full body approach while also keeping your areas of concern in mind. She spends time looking at your structure and imbalances in both the skeletal and muscular system and adjusts or massages the areas of concern accordingly. Chiropractic care is beneficial for all ages, infant to adult, and addresses not only pain, but helps improve the functions of all systems of the body including the nervous system and immune system. Dr. Meggy takes her time with your care. You can expect the first visit to take about 45 minutes. Typical visits are anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes depending on how well your body starts responding to care.
AromaTouch Therapy Technique
The ArōmaTouch Technique involves the application of a specific sequence of essential oils along the spine and the bottoms of the feet, combined with the benefits of human touch to create an amazing overall wellness experience. Developed by Dr. David Hill, a leading expert in integrative medicine and therapeutic applications of essential oils, the ArōmaTouch Technique improves well-being and supports overall health.
8 specific doTERRA essential oils are used in four pairings. In brief, these oils are used to:
-Restore balance, tranquillity and homeostasis to the body
-Stimulate the immune response
-Reduce the inflammatory response
-Reduce toxicity in the body
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